Ne gasiti zilnic intre 09.00 - 18.00


Dear Adriana, On behalf of the team at ISQua, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome your organisation, Calitakropolis S.R.L., as a new Institutional Member. We are delighted that you have joined, and if the team or I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Peter Lachman,

MD, MPH, M.B.B.Ch., FRCPCH, FCP(SA), FRCPI, Lead Faculty Quality Improvement RCPI, CEO ISQua (2016-2021)

Știu că mai am foarte multe de învățat dar țin să vă mulțumesc pentru răbdare și ajutor! Vă îmbrățișez!

As. Nicoleta Straton

Asistent șef 

Secția exterioară Cronici Ianca,

Spitalul Orasenesc Faurei,
Județul Brăila 

From meeting both Adina and Maria, I have found them to be very pleasant, professional, and above all most welcoming. Their exhibition stand looks great and I hope that they have a great experience at this year's International Forum Gothenburg. I wish them all the very for the future and I've no doubt they will be very successful in taning their business forward.

Andy Josephides,

BMJ Events Sales Manager

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